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Palun märka! | Koolitus toimub inglise keeles, Koolitus toimub, kui osalejaid on vähemalt 4 |
640€ Algne hind oli: 640€.448€Current price is: 448€. + km
Usesoft on Autodeski Gold Partner ning tarkvara ametlik edasimüüja Eestis aastast 1992
Ettevõte on Autodeski sertifitseeritud koolituskeskus (Authorised Training Center) aastast 1998
Meie instruktorid on Autodeski poolt atesteeritud või/ja omavad tarkvara konsulteerimisel ja koolitamisel pikaajalist kogemust
Kursuse maht | |
Läbiviimise koht | |
Toimumise aeg | |
Päevakava | |
Palun märka! | Koolitus toimub inglise keeles, Koolitus toimub, kui osalejaid on vähemalt 4 |
Autodesk® Subassembly Composer is additional software component of Civil 3D®, intended for creating custom subassemblies using visual sequencing of geometry. While it doesn’t require .NET programming skills which is the other way of creating custom subassemblies, basic comprehension about programming and ability to create logical algorithms is beneficial for mastering Autodesk® Subassembly Composer.
Kursuse lõpetanu:
– Understands the SAC interface;
– Knows what every SAC component does;
– Understands how subassembly properties are seen when used within Civil 3D;
– Understands how various modelling and targeting options within corridor are set up in SAC;
– Knows various methods of managing subassembly logics;
– Can use SAC API functions (regardless if has or hasn’t any previous programming knowledge);
– Can create his/her own Civil 3D subassembly and use it in Civil 3D corridor;
– Understands the concepts of defining point, link and shape codes for extracting all related information from corridor models;
– Knows some limitations of SAC and ways to overcome it;
– Knows various methods to manage transitions (like slopes, curbs, widths);
– Has basic knowledge to create a set of custom subassemblies for the whole office;
– Will have some ideas about “Dos and Don’ts” based on real life experience.
Civil 3D users with at least some experience, advanced Civil 3D users, CAD/BIM specialists. All types of road designers – mainly roadways, can be railways or waterways as well. Can be amelioration designers as well. Anyone whose design is linear and interacts with existing surface.
Kursuse sisu
Autodesk® Subassembly Composer is a “must-have” if you want to:
• create subassemblies containing your custom shapes and links in case you find original Civil 3D subassemblies insufficient;
• improve quality and speed of design;
• incorporate some foolproofing in your subassemblies;
• reduce number of assemblies for your corridor model;
• improve accuracy of your corridor models.
• Overview and general information
• User interface
• Subassembly name and description
• Update process of subassembly after it’s been used in Civil 3D
• User parameters – input, output, parameter types
• Parameter references from one subassembly to another
• Defining custom drop-down list as a user parameter
• Internal variables
• User targets – surfaces, vertical targets, horizontal targets
• Superelevation / Cant
• Controlling subassembly geometrical appearance in assembly
• Construction methods of geometry points – combination of coordinates, distances, slopes, angles, surfaces
• Geometry links and shapes
• Layer thickness calculation methods – vertical or perpendicular
• Codes of points, links and shapes
• Surfaces for construction works
• Strategies for geometry codes
• Geometry transition methods through region
• Methods of managing transitions without relation to region (for example, daylight slopes or curb height above pave)
• Specific issues with complex subassemblies and known workarounds
• Experience based “Dos and Don’ts”
Kursus oli väga hariv. Juhendaja oli oma ala spetsialist ning oskas väga hästi uusi teadmisi edasi anda.
Romet(osales kursusel 2022)
AS “Ceļuprojekts”, BIM Manager
Reg. nr.: 10308124
KMKR nr. EE100048344
Pank: Swedbank
Aadress: Tobiase 8,
10147 Tallinn, Eesti
Tel: +372 63 05 105
[email protected]