Andmete kasutus linnaplaneerimises
“How can data-driven planning create more inclusive urban environments?” WDBE eelseminar andmekasutusega seotud võimalustest tänapäevastes linnaplaneerimisprotsessides
15.-16. juuni
15.juuni 15.30-18.15
16.juuni 11.00-13.00
Inglise keeles
WBDE eelseminar andmete kasutusest linnaplaneerimises
How can data-driven planning create more inclusive urban environments?
Tegemist on kahepäevase vebinariga, millest 15. juuni sündmuse “Does data have sense of space?” sisustab teemadega Digitaalehituse klaster ning 16. juuni taanlaste Bloxhub.
Andmed on uus globaalne valuuta, kuid mis on andmete väärtus linnaplaneerimisel? Kas planeerimisel kasutatakse kogu andmepotentsiaali ja kas seda peaks üldse tegema? Kuidas andmeid rohkem ära kasutada, nii et need tooks kasu kõigile sidusrühmadele? Need on mõned teemad, mida kahe päeva jooksul käsitletakse kahe riigi vaatenurgast.
Veebiseminaril on võimalus tutvuda planeerimisel uudset AI tehnoloogiat kasutava lahendusega Spacemaker.
Tervitused ja sissejuhatus
Jaan Saar
Urban Analytics for “Good” City Design
Over the last two decades, two rather different approaches to city design and analysis have dominated much of the discourse on urbanism: Smart Cities on the one hand, and people-centered cities on the other. While the former has advocated for extensive use of sensing and data analysis in urban decision making, the latter has predominantly focused on addressing basic human aspirations in city design, with relatively little or no emphasis on data analytics. In this presentation I argue that data driven approaches to urban planning need to be grounded in values and visions, which normative urban design theory can offer. Towards this end, I illustrate a few recent research projects that engage in urban data science with a normative aim of supporting better, people-centered city design.
Andres Sevtšuk
(Associate Professor of Urban Science and Planning at MIT) Andres Sevtsuk is an Associate Professor of Urban Science and Planning at MIT, where he also leads the City Form Lab. His work bridges urban design, active mobility and spatial analysis technology. He has recently published a book entitled “Street Commerce: Creating Vibrant Urban Sidewalks” with Penn Press.
Teleport builds software to move you to the best place to live and work. Explore the best cities based on your personal preferences, and we’ll lend you a hand with preparing and executing the move. Many of us were previously building Skype, which was quite effective in making the world smaller in a metaphorical sense. We now aim to make physically rearranging the human population just as easy. Free movement of talent will make every government in the world compete for every citizen.
Kristjan Lepik
Product Manager, Topia & Member of the supervisory board, Praxis (EST)
Public data for public use
How to combine public data for research and analysis to create value? In this session, Raul will share his experience in three different projects based on open data: The new development strategy “Tallinn 2035”, Tartu parking norms, Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning for Tallinn region.
Raul Kalvo
Raul is architect and founding partner in Inphysica Technology. He also holds lecture position in Estonia Academy of Arts. His work ranges from urban analytics till interior architecture and there is always component of computation design in projects.
SpacemakerAI. Enabling outcome-driven design by leveraging data
In this session, we will share how data enables outcome-driven design in early phase development. The presentation will cover technologies, processes, and real use-cases. Spacemaker uses cloud-based, artificial intelligence (AI), and generative design to help architects, urban designers, and real estate developers make more informed early-stage design decisions faster and enables improved opportunities for sustainability from the start. Vaata tutvustavat videot siit.
Daniel Gameiro
Daniel Gameiro is a tech-savvy enthusiast architect with a 7-year experience in Real Estate Development and Sales in renowned companies like Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter, Spacemaker, and Autodesk. In his formative years, he founded a non-profit which developed humanitarian projects in Portugal, Ghana, São Tomé and Príncipe, Guiné Bissau, and Haiti. His contributions at Spacemaker include: the best practice method called “The Spacemaker Way”; instituting outsourcing processes to scale the customer success and technical sales teams; and assisting with the acquisition process driven by Autodesk.
Raoul Lindberg
Raoul Lindberg has extensive experience in the real estate industry in both Finland and Norway and been working in renowned companies like Ramboll, Senate Properties, Spacemaker and Autodesk. As a Real Estate Developer and Solution Consultant at Spacemaker AI, he has worked closely with clients to support them in implementing artificial intelligence technology in the real estate development planning process. As the Head of Delivery for Finland, Raoul was a big part of expanding Spacemaker to the Finnish market and starting up the business in Finland.
Vestlus. Kokkuvõtted. Sissejuhatus järgmisse päeva.
Jaan Saar (MKM)